
Sudanese peanuts
Sudan is considered as one of the major export markets of peanuts, it is used to be one of the world’s top exporters of peanuts,

Sudanese Rice
Rice is a new crop for Sudan’s farmers, and farmers are sure They can get profitable by growing the crop, in addition to eating healthy

Sudanese Meats
Sudanese cuisine is famous for its special Sudanese taste with some nutritional influences that enrich it, especially Egyptian, Orthodox, Turkish and Levantine influences in sweets.

Sesame Oil production
Sesame, an agricultural product popular in many tropical countries including Asia, is a typical subsistence crop for farmers in less developed countries such as Sudan.

Wheat production in Sudan
Wheat is considered one of the crops in temperate climate areas, and its cultivation has been voluntary in other agricultural environments until it became one

Sugar Production in Sudan
Sudan is the third sugar producer in Africa after South Africa and Egypt. Around 1 Million Tonnes of sugar per year is produced out of